Infini-Cube Pre-Alpha 0.1.0
Infini-Cube » Devlog

- WASD to move
- Space to Jump
- RMB to break
- LMB to place or interact
- Block Outline appears when looking at a block
- Scroll wheel cycles through all the blocks
- Numbers 0-9 wll cycle through the first 10 items in the inventory
- Middle Clicking on a Block will give you that block
- Pressing ESC will quit the game
- Top Layer is Grass Blacks
- Bottom Layer is Bedrock
- In the middle is layers of dirt followed by layers of stone
- Above the top layer is Air
- World is made by chunks (16x200x16)
- World randomly updates certain blocks (i.e. Grass Blocks)
All Blocks
- Air
- Aluminum Sheet
- Aluminum Sheet Slab
- Bedrock
- Black Cotton
- Black Stained Glass
- Blue Cotton
- Blue Stained Glass
- Brown Cotton
- Brown Stained Glass
- Cobblestone
- Cobblestone Slab
- Cotton
- Cyan Cotton
- Cyan Stained Glass
- Dirt
- Dirt Slab
- Farmland
- Glass
- Grass Block
- Grass Slab
- Green Cotton
- Green Stained Glass
- Grey Cotton
- Grey Stained Glass
- Magenta Cotton
- Magenta Stained Glass
- One Way Glass
- Orange Cotton
- Orange Stained Glass
- Pink Cotton
- Pink Stained Glass
- Purple Cotton
- Purple Stained Glass
- Red Cotton
- Red Stained Cotton
- Snow
- Snow Pile
- Stone
- Stone Slab
- Sunflower
- Wheat
- White Stained Glass
- Wild Grass
- Yellow Cotton
- Yellow Stained Glass
- Can be placed as a top slab or bottom slab
- Different types of slabs can be placed together
- Depending where you break a full slab will convert it to a bottom or top slab
- Grass Slabs will convert to Dirt Slabs if placed under a top slab
Snow Pile
- Sunflowers and Wild Grass can be placed in Snow Piles
- Snow Piles can be placed on top of each other
- Once the Snow Pile has enough layers it will convert to Snow
Grass Block
- Grass Block will spread to dirt and dirt slabs
- Grass Block will convert to dirt if covered
- Grows on Hydrated Farmland
- It has 4 stages of growth
- Will become hydrated if any block is next to it
- Wild Grass
- When placed it will switch between three sizes small, medium or large
- One Way Glass
- Rotates based on the direction it is placed
All Items
- Every Block except Air has an Item
- Wrench
- Snowball
- Wheat Seeds (Name for Wheat Block)
- Scissors
- Can rotate rotatable blocks (i.e. One Way Glass)
- Can change Top Slabs to Bottom Slabs
- Can change Bottom Slabs to Top Slabs
- Can cut foliage down (i.e. Wild Grass)
- Can remove flowers and grass from Snow Piles
Debug Menu
- Displays Player Information such as Coords
- Displays information about a block
- Will be removed in future versions
Block Properties
- These are Block Specific and allow for additional functionality (basically Block States)
- Props (An enum of different properties)
- None A default property
- Bottom_Slab If a Slab is a bottom slab
- Top_Slab If a Slab is a top slab
- Double_Slab If a slab is a double slab
- Has_Block_In_Pile If a pile has a block in it
- Small_Foliage If a foliage a small size
- Medium_Foliage If a foliage is a medium size
- Large_Foliage If a foliage is a large size
- Top Slab Piece
- A reference of the top block in a slab
- Bottom Slab Piece
- A reference of the bottom block in a slab
- Faces
- A dictionary of texture references for rotatable blocks
- Hidden in game
- Facing
- The direction a rotatable block is facing
- Pile Stack
- An int of how many piles in a pile block
- Block In Pile
- A reference for what block is placed in a pile
- Block Color
- A reference of what color a certain block is
- Hydrated
- A bool determining if a block is hydrated
- Age
- An int determining the age of blocks like wheat
These are strings on certain blocks and items that act as grouping and allow for extra abilities for all blocks with the tag
Block Tags
- Converts_To_Bottom_Dirt_Slab
- Converts bottom slabs to dirt slabs when another slab is placed on top
- Dirts
- Sunflowers and Wild Grass can only be placed on these blocks
- Dont_Convert_To_Item
- Developer Tag for preventing blocks being turned into items
- Dont_Create_Block_Loot
- Developer Tool for preventing loot tables being made for blocks
- Glass
- Collection of Glass Blocks
- Replaceable
- Will be replaced by another block when placed
- Snow
- Collection of Snow blocks
Item Tags
- Flowers
- A collection of all flower items
- Foliage
- A collection of all foliage items
- Prevents items from being placed on blocks that aren’t apart of the Dirt Block Tag
- Placeable_In_Piles
- Items that can be placed in pile blocks
- Seeds
- Prevents seed items from being placed on another block besides farmland
Infini-Cube Pre-Alpha 0.1.0 28 MB
Nov 25, 2024
Get Infini-Cube
A Unity clone of Minecraft
Status | In development |
Author | Thumpbacker |
Genre | Survival |
Tags | 3D, Creative, Minecraft, Sandbox, Voxel |
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- Infini-Cube Pre-Alpha 0.2.0Nov 28, 2024
- Infini-Cube Pre-Alpha 0.1.1Nov 25, 2024
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