Infini-Cube Pre-Alpha 0.2.0
In this newest version there’s a ton of new features from climbing to vertical slabs. Check out the full list of changes below!
- Player can now Climb
- Block Highlight now matches block height
- You can now break blocks behind smaller blocks (i.e. Break Dirt behind a Snow Pile)
- Added Vertical Slabs
Once cycle through all the facing values it will convert back into a bottom slab
- Added Rope
Rope is placed on the underside of blocks
Rope can be climbed by the player
Placing Rope on Rope will place it at the next available air block below the rope column
- Added Ground Vines
Ground Vines are a rotatable block
Can be placed on the sides of blocks
- Added Pumpkins
- Wild Grass
Wild Grass has been split up into 3 different blocks (Small Grass, Wild Grass and Large Grass)
Wild Grass is no longer a random size when placed
Small and Large Grass can be placed in Snow Piles
- Grass Block and Farmland immediately convert to dirt when a solid block is placed above them
- Wheat, Sunflower, Wild Grass, Small Grass, Large Grass and Snow Piles will now break if there is no bottom supporting block
- Snow now doesn’t show cover if its floating
- Debug Menu
Now shows facing value
Now shows technical name of blocks instead of block name
- Removed Large_Foliage, Medium Foliage and Small_Foliage Block Properties
- Add Covering Property A bool reference for if a block has the cover shape
- Added Grasses Block Tag Contains all Grass Blocks
- Added Climbable Tag
Any block in this tag allows the player to climb up it
- Added Grasses Item tag Contains all Grass Items
Bugs Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Farmland could dehydrate if all sides weren’t covered
- Fixed an issue where the sides of snow would Z-Fight
- Fixed an issue where Snow Piles couldn’t be replaced by other blocks
- Fixed an issue where Grass would spread when there was a solid block on top of it
- Fixed an issue where the sides of Snow Piles would be removed when removing a flower
- Fixed an issue where Bottom Grass Slabs wouldn’t be turned into dirt when a slab is placed on top of it
- Fixed a bug where the Debug Menu didn’t show the correct version
- Fixed a bug where Flowers and Grass could be placed on non dirt blocks if placed next to a dirt block
- Fixed a bug where Wheat Seeds wouldn’t be placed on farmland if clicking on a block next to it
Get Infini-Cube
A Unity clone of Minecraft
Status | In development |
Author | Thumpbacker |
Genre | Survival |
Tags | 3D, Creative, Minecraft, Sandbox, Voxel |
More posts
- Update on Pre-Alpha 0.2.1Dec 16, 2024
- Infini-Cube Pre-Alpha 0.1.1Nov 25, 2024
- Infini-Cube Pre-Alpha 0.1.0Nov 25, 2024
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